Don't waste your hard earned cash buying a new sun hat every time you go away. And certainly don't sacrifice your beach holiday look by leaving your much loved wide brim at home. You can travel with a Hat. It really is a snap!
Keep Calm and Carry It On:
If you can, the best bet is to carry it in your hand luggage and put it on a safe flat surface in the overhead locker. Make sure it's not going to slide about or be bashed brainer really. Before boarding, take out any hat pins from last Cup Day otherwise you may be arrested or worse...made an example of by Security at the airport.
If you're driving, pop it on top of your luggage and secure it in a corner to stop it sliding around.
In Your Suitcase:
When you pack your hat in your suitcase, just tip it upside down and stuff it with 'smalls', really firmly and check the crown is shaped well, no creases. Once you've packed most of your clothes, pop your hat on the top, crown down and pack clothes around it. Again, to keep the crown secure and to stop the hat moving about. Then flatten out the brim and if you need to, anchor it by laying clothes on top. This will help to keep it in shape in transit.
Most paper straw hats will reshape fairly easily too if they get a bit squished. Just dampen it a little, stuff the crown with non-marking paper or clothing/fabric and lay it on a flat surface. Any kinks in the brim flatten out with heavy books and let it rest overnight. The thicker the straw and tighter the weave, the stronger it will be and less resistant to changing shape. If it does, just keep in mind it will need a bit more encouraging to change it back!
Hope that helps. Happy hat packing girls!
Anita & The Girls @
Sequins and Sand
Written By: Anita McLachlan, founder of Sequins and Sand. Connect with Sequins and Sand on Google+.